Meadows blossom
Given the forecast for the next few days I took myself to the Meadows early in the morning. It was busy with dog walkers, those exercising and many taking photographs of the cherry blossom.
It it always a magnificent display and I hope the main blip conveys the scale of these two avenues.
One tree - see extra - was covered in ribbons and messages. I understand it is dedicated to Sarah Everard and victims of attack.
Online church and coffee zoom then gentle gardening to avoid jiggering my back any further. I am relying on the forecast rain to do the watering for me.
After dinner settled down for the final Line of Duty. After all the tension and hype it was bound to be a bit flat if they were seeking to tie up loose ends. As I have commented elsewhere I think they have not got “H” but have got an “h”. Enough signals and loose ends along with Ted’s confession to open up a new series. Would I watch it?: definitively.
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