Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

London less locked down

A curious but small collection of padlocks attached to an old iron ring on Tower Bridge. Maybe if I go back in a year it will have grown and formed a chain dangling down to the river...

We defied our own conventions of lateness today and managed to get out of the house at a reasonable time, catching the 9.45 train to London after eating a bacon sandwich and a huge pile of fruit (not at the same time, you’d be sick). TSM was slightly anxious, very excited, and particularly attentive to the hand gel. This started on the train and was to continue throughout the day. “Apologies for trying to keep you safe” she said and I told her to stop with the passive aggressive, which made her laugh. 

We had coffee at Black Penny in Waterloo where we met an Israeli couple who were over her for a few weeks visiting family (TSM has radar for Ivrit and tuned into them straight away). They were struggling to find the tourist bus but they had plenty of time and dived into the pastries with gusto. 

The Italian waiter was also a hoot and said he didn’t work for tips, only for love. His girlfriend was from Bilbao and they were going to move back there and "knock out a couple of kids" (that’s what happens to visitors when they work in south London - linguistic pollution). 

I love talking to people. All you need is love. And good coffee of course.

The South Bank was gorgeous. Twice in one week! This after a gap of several months. I didn’t get drunk today. But I did manage twenty thousand steps. We met a wedding photographer waiting for a client in Jubilee Park and she and I talked geeky stuff about how wonderful it was to have two bodies (this is camera talk, not some weird cloning thing). We also met a girl called Maya who was about six years old and SOOOO excited at seeing the London Eye for the first time (even if she couldn’t go on it because of Covid). 

Surprised that Yo Sushi! had disappeared from under the Festival Hall but otherwise situation normal as far as our old Thameside eating places was concerned. Speculative fantasies about the vegan squid and meatless sticky ribs in Wagamamas and definitely want to do The Real Greek again. So much to look forward to. 

I bought a magnetic “dress your own Shakespeare” set in a shop under the OXO tower (put the beard on the bard, is this a codpiece I see before me? etc.) and then we ducked down behind London Bridge station and had a look at the market in Vinegar Yard where I was tempted / not tempted by the old collectible bottle shop. After that we bought far too many cakes in Shad Thames (as gifts, not for us).

Strange little group posing for photos on Tower Bridge. Particularly struck by the man in the purple suit.

We took the tube from Tower Hill to Westminster then walked down through Millbank to Vauxhall. There was a lonely looking anti plastic pollution protestor outside the House of Commons and Big Ben was still covered in scaffolding. Lots of Lycrabikas posing around Parliament square (I love cycling but hate Lycrabikas). The Burghers of Calais had a small crowd around them (no idea why) and the sun shone on the righteous (whoever they are). Also on a rather high and dry bright yellow restaurant boat as we walked past Millbank, which contrasted strangely with the modern buildings behind it.

We had a “loose” lunch date with TSM’s brother and his partner (call them S&B) by which I mean we had said we would turn up some time after 1.30 but with no clear plans as to what might happen next. There was some talk about getting dosa from a local place but it was closed, and then the phone rang to say that there was an imminent delivery of rugs to B’s shop (she is a high end rug dealer - lovely stuff, designs to die for). So we jumped in a car and drove to Chelsea where her shop is. S is an excellent driver (I think it is because he is a musician and has natural and well honed co-ordination skills) but I felt a bit queasy when we got there (always having been prone to car sickness). This was cured by some fresh air and a walk down to the nearby Whole Foods where we spent vast amounts of money (as ever) and took soup and sushi back to the shop for a picnic.

I have to say it was lovely to see them. Really lovely. Life is all about people. And coffee of course. And you can have those two at the same time without getting sick.

We walked down to Imperial Wharf and got a train back to Clapham Junction and then another home to Woking. The gods of train connections were on our side and we were home in no time. Cats very pleased to see us, I am glad to report that they were in the garden on this nice sunny day.

Lovely day. Wonderful in fact. Little album here (which includes the photos I took last Tuesday on my outing with The Dizzle) 


PS for the record our last trip to London together was August 27th last year! https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2743940291063972572

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