
Or so it seems.
An errand meant a trip to Penrith, so locals that we are we thought we'd head on to Ullswater for a wander.
We'd (a) totally forgotten its a Bank Holiday weekend
(b) not really understood just how crazy people have gone & (c) thought that they'd be able to use a modicum of common sense.

Despite the NT Car Park at Aira Force saying full (which never happens) people insisted on turning in... causing huge tailbacks which couldn't be escaped.
We eventually intended to turn around at Glencoyne and head elsewhere, but a big minibus unloaded a group of teenagers and pulled out... So we jumped in quickly.

Everybody seemed to be either in the Lake, having a bbq or at Aira Force, so we had the Lakeside path to ourselves.

Once home Mrs IttH hit her studies and I started a van project (a complex version of a simple job intended to let me learn before I start on the tricky stuff). Suddenly 5 hours are gone and it's a late supper!

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