
We have invested in a new feeding station and it has puzzled some of the birds. Our Goldfinches were not bothered  and have now colonised it, but some of the other birds, like this Blue Tit are finding it hard to figure out. However, the first visitor was the Nuthatch, which was good to see.

Dawn Chorus Day
I was wakened by the Dawn Chorus this morning, but did not get up then. Later we were taken on a walk to listen to the birds, but at 9am not 5. It was a Wildlife Trust video filmed a few days ago at Barkbooth Lot by a Reserves Officer who would normally have taken people on walks at dawn. It was well done and great to watch and listen, but I am not sure I will ever get to the stage of being able to identify bird songs. 

And if anyone is interested I have added in extras the completed Paper Piecing Tag. 

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