Lockdown 3 day 117

It’s been one hell of a busy day
Daddy took scamp for a walk
Munchie had her piano lesson

Tooo Munchie to ballet - went for a walk around the block to get some steps in.
Daddy brought Wom to me
Took Wom swimming
After a wobbly start- he did really well.

Daddy and munchie home
Compete with Morrison’s platters
(Such a good idea we had - £20 worth of party food and no effort at all)

Grandma came over
Then we had uncle Jamie and auntie Emma
Then we had nanny and grandad

Somehow timings work and at no point did we break covid rules!
But totally exhausted

Some lovely presents
Lego mine craft
Lego low loader
Water pistol and water soakers

Happy days and still two days till his actual birthday

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