Check in

She got, very briefly, to say hello to Granny and Grandad today as she called while I was walking with them.

The call followed a slightly infuriating half hour where Katie didn't come online for her ballet lesson, so I had to call the house as her house parent had forgotten too, and the Internet there then not working. She got on when we switched her to data but I can't be paying for all the data it's taking. And I then got an email telling me in future I needed to send her class times... Which I already had in an email the house parent had previously replied to! Anyway... Just annoying. It cost a chunk of Katie's (not cheap) lesson time. But she had fun when eventually it happened.

While she was on the phone to me after her lesson, she got called to go do some baking. The boarding girls are making 100 cupcakes to sell in the Captain Tom 100 challenge thing. When I spoke to her later, she said that everyone else had gone off and she'd done it on her own. She said it meant that one batch she accidentally made low fat because she only put 20g of butter in, not 120g! She was then told to stop and that the others should do some, even though they didn't want to and she was having fun. These are the little things she needs to get used to.

Bigger things to get used to, for katie, are things like this insistence that every weekend morning they have to stay in their bed until 8.30. I get it once a week, but both mornings is a bit much and surely more disruptive than if she quietly just went downstairs and read or did some colouring or whatever.

They've been to the park but this week everyone agreed with Katie that it's too busy and they're not going again. The teacher brought his 5 year old with him, which Katie quite liked.

She said she's done bassoon and piano though I'm not entirely sure where that fit in to the day!

Anyway, she's excited because tomorrow her Moll, her guardian family/childcare bubble, are taking her out and she can have cuddles. She's desperate for a cuddle. 

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