Lá Bealtaine: Between Heaven & Earth

May Day, up bright and early and bathing the old face in the dew - it needs all the help it can get these days! Aches and pains vanished, energy levels restored - uh oh, said Himself! 
It's Bealtaine too (actually it's the 5th May this year technically) - the ancient Celtic festival marking the start of summer. A time when the Good People are out and about and the veil is briefly lifted. It was all looking incredibly otherworldly and ethereal this morning as I travelled into Bantry, hard to tell where the land/sea/sky differentiated. The post box is suitably decorated for the whole of May is dedicated to the BVM (and Masai warriors).
The weather changed dramatically by the afternoon but I managed a cappuccino and a wander around the gardens of the Heron Gallery, now open for takeaways and bimblings so long as you don't sit down!

And I've just learnt it's Naked World Gardening Day - Mambo did you know? Blimey, a bit nippy for that kind of thing today!

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