For Arbor Day: The Redbud Trees Are Blooming!

We are fortunate to have a few really lovely redbud trees in our yard and they are just amazing right now. They are so pink, they always catch your eye. No matter which direction you look, there is something to see that's pretty.

I was on my daily walk, and I was picking up "found items," as someone like me is wont to do. Relentlessly curious, I have always been a picker-upper-of-cool-stuff, one of my big complaints in life being how few and how small the pockets are in clothes made for women.

I had the idea to make some tree art out of maple seed pods while on a walk on Earth Day, and I suddenly realized that this was Arbor Day, and also worthy of a tree. Or even more than one!

It was awfully windy, and as I neared home, I noticed the big redbud out front was shedding pink flowers in the breeze: (with all apologies to Prince) hello, pink rain! In a minute, I had a handful of pink in my pocket. So here is my latest earth-nature-art project (with an assist from the Crittergators): the redbud trees are blooming, hooray!

The pink posies were on the ground because the wind was blowing, so let's give a shout-out to the amazing wind on this day, for gifting me both art supplies and inspiration. The soundtrack song, therefore, is this one: Peter Gabriel, with Shaking the Tree.

P.S. If you love me, plant a tree!

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