Very enterprising ....

My camera has been playing up for a while, finally got into the shop today, armed with my replacement guarantee, to find the lens had cracked and a tiny piece of glass was floating around. Luckily the guy spotted it after convincing himself it just needed a good clean, and I didn't have to create a fuss (heaven forbid!)
So this is by way of an emergency blip at the end of the day, to try out the new camera which really needs charging properly. The graininess is my fault entirely. Will try better tomorrow!

I have a confession to make to explain this blip. I am a complete and utter Trekkie. Ever since Star Trek first appeared on our screens back in 1966, I've been entranced by Kirk and successive Captains - Janeway and Picard. The less said about Archer, Captain of the Enterprise, and Sisko from Deep Space 9, the better. Picard is my absolute favourite. Under his command the stories became wider reaching and often with deeper meaning, and of course he invited Guinan (the wonderful Whoopi Goldberg) to be a member of his crew.

It's said that science has not had to look far for names for new inventions, these things had already been invented and named on Star Trek. I'm still waiting for the Transporter to arrive. Cheers to the amazing Gene Roddenberry whose ideas began these stories.

Back blipped yesterday too.

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