
By Hillyblips

Just Out

I couldn't let spring go by without blipping a lamb!

All action down on the local farm as they were in the middle of the lambing season! A local farmer friend said we could come round and see the lambs down in the sheep pens. We were really lucky as this little chap had just been born and it's twin, all ready to come out into the world, was a bit too eager - causing a few problems by deciding to try and emerge nose first which I've put on the link below.

Fascinating to watch it being pushed back inside in order to then manipulate the legs forward to get it out. Two perfect little bundles and you can't help but love their cuteness! What a great start to the day!

These are Lleyn ewes and are used because they are very fertile, great mothers and have a high milk yield while the rams are a mixture of Texel and Charollais, which I have read produce lean meat of a high quality.

More birthing/lamb pictures here

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