Second amaryllis

Friday 30th April 2021

Morning lie in, followed by chat to SueT. Then I was on duty for a service this afternoon. 

It was quite dull when I got home but I attempted some macro shots in the garden. I did some possible focus stacking of a small flower and at first when processed it looked good, until I looked closer and realised it was quite blotchy in terms of focus in parts. 

 By then it had started raining so I tried a focus stack of this beautiful amaryllis, using the tripod. I was so careful and took a lot of shots but I ended up with another blotchy result. I blame the software for some of it as I know I had some bits sharper than what finally appeared. I attempted to correct it myself but it was time consuming and I wasn't getting anywhere. A pity because some bits were very sharp. 

In the end I gave up, changed lens and took two shots which I focus stacked. Overall it is softer than I had achieved in parts before but is more consistent and therefore more natural. It was backlit from the window. 

Practise makes perfect ..... clearly I need a LOT more practise!  

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