
By OlyShipp

Calm / Ruhe

Greifswald’s Fischmarkt looked a picture of calm this evening.

A good job I didn’t point the camera in the other direction, where a security guard was doing everything in his power to ensure as few people as possible entered the temporary building there.

For my part I was first sent home for passports, then told I needed written permission from the children’s mother (would they need a father’s permission from a mum?), and then when I finally provided both, he found a new rule requiring written proof of address. So I was denied access.

The building is a Corona test centre. Yep, I and several others were turned away, thanks to a baffling, infuriatingly bureaucratic system which seems designed to do as few tests as possible.

At least all was calm at the fountain. Until my little boy fell into the icy water. He then did what I wanted to do, maybe should have done - screamed blue bloody murder!

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