yet another day

By yetanotherday

Trespasser in the Garden

I'm not sure why this fox has chosen our garden to sleep in. I'll let him stay for now, but if the cats want to go out I'll have to shoo him away.

I slept better last night than I have done in months, maybe selling a house was far more stressful that I had realised. I woke up aching from head to toe though, I feel like I've run a marathon (not that I've ever run a marathon so don't really know what it would feel like). I had to get up though as I had to go to the bank, my brother needs his deposit money transferred into his bank account before his mortgage offer can be finalised. I thought it would be really quick, but it took over half an hour!!! Even though I used to work at the bank and have held an account there for 26 years the transfer had to be authorised by the manager and a check done on me through the passport office. I don't think I was very popular with the people standing behind me in the queue.

Currently enjoying a quiet afternoon alone whilst my husband and kids go shopping for Mother's Day presents and tonights dinner.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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