Kenmore Hill

Thought we would have a drive out to Loch Tay via Aberfeldy. Didn’t realise it was so cold thankfully had scarf and gloves as per the saying Ne’er cast a cloot till May is oot.

Lots of Scots Pine been planted on this hill, good to see the traditional trees being planted and managed.

Came back through Aberfeldy again and stopped in the Watermill Cafe for coffee and cake. Thankful of being able to sit inside it was Baltic out!

Home, and was watering a plant in a tub at the bottom of the garden when I came across the most horrific and sad sight. Lying dead at the side of the fence was Mrs Blackbird. It looks like she got her claws tangled in black thread from somewhere (not in my garden) and the. It tangled round the ivy as she was scratching for food in the undergrowth. She put up a fight as there were feather all around. She was such a friendly bird and I think they were sitting on another clutch of eggs. Mr B is sitting on various high perches singing and is so lonely. I feel so sad for him losing his mate. I read that blackbirds mate for life and I’ve known this pair for 3 years.

Couldn’t help thinking about this all evening.

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