Cleared the way down

I continue to be pleased with how well the morning working from home works out. The first meeting was to discuss the study protocol for a research project with three pharmacists and one of the registrars. This is an attempt to show the best way to treat an acute manic episode. It was short and sweet and I was able to join the Green Team morning meeting only a little late, and I am sure that we take less time when I am on Zoom. Probably because I am more focussed and talk less!

Other matters also got dealt with as well as if I were there, and the registrar is learning to manage things with consultation rather than just watching. 

This afternoon, I set Mr H the task of using the long loppers to trim some of the shrubby trees on the bank down to the cliff edge, while I cleared the steps and then path down to the end of the property. From the boundary line (approximately) it falls more steeply and trimmings and stuff can be put there to foster the growth of new plants.

The level on the right before the steps in the photo, is five steps down from the lower of our three decks. It was overgrown by plants from the bank beside it as were the steps above and to a lesser extent the dteps below. The path onwards to the boundary was unpassable until cleared. A small section of the now fully usable pathcn be seen to the right of the trunk of the Nikau (palm). 

It's been great to see all the young cabbage trees growing down there; promising a grove that may eventually allow a wandering through, rather than a path to nowhere.

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