Similar Color, Different Cactus
This Opuntia's (prickly pear) species name is Opuntia engelmanii but it's more commonly referred to as an Engelman prickly pear cactus. Its flower is yellow with an ever slight hint of orange. To be honest, most people don't really care what they're called, even if they are in their own yard. I'm more curious than that and have just spent over an hour identifying the dang thing. And I'm still not absolutely positive I got it right.
I pretty much wasted the day, having done nothing but stop out for lunch, take a short walk to get a blip and put out food and water for the birds. But the biggest consumer of my time was figuring out and posting the themes for Mono Monday for May. I'm trying something new so I hope people find them interesting and fun.
I did spend some time calling places in an effort to make a huge donation of clothes and accessories. I have bags and bags and boxes and boxes of stuff to donate but everywhere I called (St. Vincent de Paul, White Elephant, Salvation Army, Goodwill) will only accept items in "sellable" condition (which means like-new) or won't do a pickup unless there is furniture involved. Much of it is excellent but most are gently used sweatshirts, shirts, sweaters, jeans, old shoes and sandals that I thought people in need would be thrilled to have. Also sheets, blankets and brand new pillows which I couldn't return. I guess I'll look into homeless shelters in Tucson. I'll look into the groups that help migrants, like No More Deaths, too. These other places all have resale shops and I know that 100% of the money raised doesn't go where it is most needed. It's sad to think that "charities" don't do as much charitable work as I would have thought. There should be something equivalent to the food bank where people can come in and pick out what they need. I would rather walk around Tucson handing out clothes to the homeless myself. It really makes me sad.
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