Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

The mysterious Sabine Hay.

Here it is, I know you've all been waiting with baited breath, blippers. This is my missing Sabine Hay daffodil. Its a really unusual colour combination with the outer petals described as apricot and to my surprise they are! Only two are flowering or in bud though, out of six, so that works out at almost £5 each, a tad pricey, even for a special variety, or at least by my reckoning. Hopefully the other bulbs have filled up with goodness and my garden will be overflowing with them next year. The extra shows the Mondragon and Pink Charm varieties and also some of my new tulips which are superb, over 18" tall and a beautiful colour.
Thursday today and an improvement in the weather if not the temperature! I went into Herbies to pick up some salami and some of their home roasted beef which is always delicious. I came home and wrote the prayers for Sunday's service and prepared for evening prayer this evening which I am leading. Always a nice group of people who will be encouraging rather than critical.
Colin has gone to see his mum so the house will be quiet for a couple of days, tends to encourage me to eat more erratically as I fit it in with what I'm doing.
I'm not sure what I did last night, think I must have slept oddly, but my neck and shoulder are really painful today. Made it very uncomfortable driving, I have my second vaccine tomorrow so hopefully this will have gone by then or I won't be able to notice if I have side effects.
Keep well and safe everybody.
Oh, and having emailed the council this morning about the sign I blipped yesterday, I was copied into an email asking a contractor to pick up the sign tomorrow, which is a good result, now, what's next?

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