In transit
Definitely moving through one of those transitory periods of time at present.
I say moving. It’s more being stood still as the tides surges in and the waters race around you.
It happens every now and then, doesn’t it? Usually after a long period of time where things have been settled and mundane and then out of nowhere, all the different pieces of your life suddenly decide to move, change shape and evolve.
I daresay it’s a side effect of restrictions lifting and life slowly gearing back up as the clamour for normality intensifies, but that’s not to dismiss what is actually happening.
I can see my children changing before me as The Eldest wrestles with making the transition from teenager to young woman and the challenges that brings. I can see it in the faces of the wee ones, literally, as their faces start to change shape giving tantalising indicators of how they will look in later life.
Work will not be the same. Before long, I will be back out on the road, but without the rough and tumble of office banter to break up the long periods of isolation. However, I’ve done that for over a year now and have had more, quality time with the children as a result.
Then there are those moments in-between work and children and those, well, those moments have remained largely unchanged as I struggle with a sense of self and what the hell to do with my free time. Do I even need to DO anything with it or is it like Joe says in Sound of Metal:
“The world does keep moving, and it can be a damn cruel place. But for me, those moments of stillness, that place, that's the kingdom of God.”
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