A splash of colour and a splash of rain

Greyish day. Some rain but eased off and we walked up to the sea wall with Fletch. Much colder today but no wind.

A quiet day. A few basic housework jobs, some reading and a bit of edtiting on some photos of bonsai for M

Touch wood Fletch is improving.  I'm still waking up feeling anxious  but so far hes happy and hungry and enjoying his walks and not coughing as much.

Yesterday the magpie dived into the ivy and robbed the last of the eggs from the blackbirds nest. The same thing happened last year (same bird?) 
The blackbirds have already begun to build another nest in a more hidden area in the corner of the garden. I admire their fortitude. They seemed to be unafraid of us. I was hoping to take a photo  but the birds are very quick, as they fly backwards and forwards. I'll try again tomorrow. Instead I took a photo of the red primula and another of the garden shed that M  refurbished last month ( extra),

An overcast sky last night meant no sign of the Supermoon.  M woke me up last night at 3:30 to say he could see the moon but I didnt believe him . It turned out that a break in the clouds had given him a perfect view. I woke an hour later.. but the sky was overcast.  
Ah well.

Thank you for your lovely comments xx

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