Coffee at night?

Well the blips have been lacking lately, however I'm not sure that anyone needs to read daily updates of my adventures in the library...!

For a day in which my research proposal started to make a lot more sense and I began to tackle ethics forms it was, incredibly, enjoyable!

The first (oh so difficult! ;)) task of the day was a long overdue trip to the hairdresser. Relaxing...and she even clipped my hair back so it wouldn't get in my way at the library.

Then on to said library. Editing, refining and adding little pieces is definitely less enjoyable than just writing. However, if I make myself a to-do list and tick little things off as I go along it makes it slightly less laborious.

At this stage, although the pressure is on and feeling the need to work is constant the light at the end of the tunnel is very much in sight. So knowing that very soon I will be on my way to Northern Ireland to see my wonderful extended family & attend the first of this year's weddings is proving to be great motivation :)

After a few productive hours at the library it was on to the weekly smile-fest that is Rainbows. Only to sneak away a few minutes early with Hannah, who's a Brownies helper, and make our way to the coffee tasting event.

I hadn't been sure what to expect, particularly as I'm more of a tea drinker and wasn't sure who all would be there. However, it was a wonderful evening with a brilliant atmosphere and I even found a coffee I could drink black (though admittedly it was the decaf choice!). I will definitely be making a return visit to Brew Lab and am very much looking forward to the other events coming up this year :)

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