Sieze the day

By Mario

Rico the Courageous

The Cancer Society are holding the relay for life today,the opening ceremony had the usual thank you's but what is enough to bring harden men and women to weep is the Realy start proper with the Survivors Lap. The survivors of Cancer walked their lap of honour lead by the Timaru Pipe Band check out, Kateys blip. This is Rico, he is 3 years old and is wearing his beads of courage. What a cool dude this wee guy is I asked if I could take his photo and when taking 3 images he did a fantastic wee dance and gave me a high five. This wee boy is also a victim of cancer and he has his beads of courage which the first set of beads given to children with cancer has their name on them. Writing this entry brings tears to my eyes. Beads of Courage

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