Brake it ‘til you make it
I dreamt I was driving a van to Kidderminster, which I’d chosen as a base for going walking in Shropshire and Mid Wales. I kept crashing and bumping it on the way. It’s a very common dream of mine that my brakes don’t work and I crash slow motion into parked cars.
Also in the dream we were told a 48-hour snap lockdown had been mandated but that we were required to do it in hotel rooms in groups of three colleagues. I did not want to be confined to a room with my allocated two, and vividly recall packing up my possessions and plotting with Michelle about how I could end up sharing with her.
My niece had her first bath today and her maiden voyage to the park in her pram.
There’s a nice church and graveyard in Grantchester, sort of on the way between the office and where I’m staying, which has a couple of secluded benches tucked away.
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