Snuffly Snuffleson
Poor Lou has a streaming cold and a red-raw nose.... I picked up some balm tissues for my mum to give her, plus some vaseline- I spotted the bow and added it!
We walked the dog in the evening and called in to drop them off- I said "hold out your hands and close your eyes" and handed them to her. I think she liked the bow, but she took out a tissue and tested it on her nose to see if it was softer than the muzzie she's currently using!
Had a bit of a lazy day. I feel I'm on tenterhooks waiting to move... we haven't exchanged, therefore I haven't packed or made any arrangements.... The thought of packing up all my stuff is a bit daunting, but it sure is dragging on.
I didn't really do anything today except walk the dog, but I've been so tired that maybe I needed a proper rest after a very tiring first week back.
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