Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Rolly was freed.

Little Mouse put various toys in balloons and we filled them with water and popped them in the freezer over night.

This morning we then experimented with things to break the ice apart. Little Mouse and I were using a toy hammer and a dinner knife. I was managing really well. Little Mouse then declared that mummy and daddy had to break the toys free (basically I wouldn't let him have a big hammer. As in a real hammer).

Mr Mouse started off with the Roman gladius but when I complained he was using my sword he said fine he would go getter a bigger one. To be fair I expected him to come out with the claymore.

In the on going saga of fish life crisis....
I have decided to send the air pump back and get a different one. It was extremely noisy, it was meant to be quiet less than 38db but it raised the noise to over 50db.

I checked the no return value was fitted right, tried free dangling, soft cushion etc but I think it might have been too small. The listing said it was suitable but the box actually indicated it really wasn't. The reviews were very mixed. The reviews on all of them are very mixed. Yes I know they make noise but it really was horrendous.

In other news. I have this week off work so of course I actually feel pretty poorly. Little Mouse has kindly given me his cold so I have earache, a sore throat and headache with accompanying gunk dripping down the back of my throat. I was planning on doing stuff in the garden but instead I am trying to tackle my studio/office (slowly, I expect it won't get finished and will just be pilled up again).

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