Giant bug house

Today was nice so after breakfast we went for a bike ride, it wasn't too long or fast enough, but very nice. At one point we were passed by an idiot in a small Merc who though the road belonged to them (very usually attitude here in Brittany), and then later on by a Ford Sierra - not seen one of them in years!

After changing when we got back, we tackled the wood pile we have. We had a large pile of old floor joists and roof members which are are all mostly solid lumps of timber and in good condition. We also have a lot of oddments of various smaller bits of wood, much of which is rotten, eaten, broken or of an odd shape. They were all piled up together ready for sending to the tip.

My wife wants to use the old floor joists to build up terracing/raised beds, once the building work has been completed a bit like people do with railway sleepers (railroad tie/une traverse). At the moment the beams are all stacked up a bit like a giant bug house against the wall, hopefully not in the way of the builders. The rest is on the other side of the garden ready for the tip.

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