Here we go again...

A sunny and peaceful day, I finished my online course re teaching Business English and did some more 'stuff sorting' of my belongings stored in the depot before spending an hour at Graham and Kat's with a beer.  I was mostly there to see Jessica's kittens that were born on the balcony of a neighbouring (empty) apartment ten days ago and which are as of this afternoon, now, with their mum of course, all cozy in a large box with blankets on Graham's back balcony - three totally black and two ginger tabbies. Very sweet, though I've mixed feelings about there being five more garden cats to care for.... photos to follow in the next few days I expect. Meanwhile today's photo is another shot of our four legged neighbours during their early evening graze, as seen from Graham's balcony.

Monday night is my weekly catch up video call with mbfiatw Jean of course. I kept repeating myself cos so little happens here I can't remember what I've already told her last week. almost everything apparently... Poor Jean. If there's anything worse than hearing my no-news once, it must be hearing it twice.  Still, what are friends for? Same goes for my Blip journal, so thank you for taking the time to visit :)

What had been a nice enough day was ruined by a not entirely unexpected public announcement on TV tonight from Turkey's President that the country will go in to complete lock down as from Thursday @ 19.00 hrs (before Ramadan 'Iftar' evening meal) for three weeks until 17th May to try to quell the covid numbers.  All non essential shops and work/offices to be closed, with supermarkets and other food selling shops only partially open, home deliveries allowed (but not to bring alcohol).  People are only allowed out from their home to walk to the nearest store for essential items only - no driving allowed. Not sure what those of us in rural areas are supposed to do.... So, tomorrow will see us driving in to Akbuk to panic buy three weeks worth of beer, dog and cat food and other essentials as well as a trip to the fruit and veg open air market in Akbuk -  because although incarceration doesn't start until Thursday evening,  we can't take the risk of empty shelves after this announcement. Three weeks with no beer?  Seriously?

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