
Little Miss  loves creating things with Playdoh; today she was into yellow. She made a house and trees and then we made people together. It is interesting that she wants to make a traditional family: Baby in the bathtub, "Mommy & Daddy taking care of the baby to keep her safe".....I used to divert her to make a Grandma and Grandpa.....but now I let her call her characters as she wants. I think she gets the images of family from Daniel Tiger with his mommy & daddy and little sister... she always says she needs a little sister......(I sure hope not!) 

We slept well last night and Little Miss said she wants another night son really needs a couple days without the extra responsibility of Little Miss ! She is a good little girl and very happy.....but she needs her fair share of attention. We love having her here, but it is nice to have time alone too.

Debbi, I am looking for your Blip so I can hear that all went well today. :-))

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