Daft street furniture
On the right, at the top of the ramp, is the exit from the vaccination centre at the hospital. Normally it’s an exit from clinic rooms. And yes, that yellow bar on the edge of the ramp is just exactly the right height to trip over into the road. Daft.
Second jab done. No issues and definitely a more pleasant experience than Sunday morning’s trip to the other side of the hospital. Backblip coming (photo in other phone) but basically I’m fine.
Sunday morning’s incident meant a low-key workday just dealing with the urgent stuff. I will not be taking the ‘huit jours’ of rest prescribed by the doctor (though there is probably government support to pay me through that period) but I did take it easier today and only have one small work thing on tomorrow’s list.
But that may give me time to catch up on blips!
In other news, the oregano seeds are now baby seedlings, CarbBoy went back to school in his bedroom, TallGirl found a whole new Pyrénéen animal she’d never heard of, and Mr B came up with a plan for the dining room ceiling - and was astonished when I said yes. These days, any change is fine providing I don’t have to do any work!
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