Pink's photos

By PinkTransit

Mr Frog went a-wooing

Mister frog went a-courting and he did ride
Uh-hmm, Uh-hmm
Mister frog went a-courting and he did ride
A sword and pistol by his side
Uh-hmm, Uh-hmm.

He went down to Missy Mousie's door
Where he had often been before.

He said, "Missy Mouse, are you within?
Yes kind sir, I sit and spin.

He took Missy Mouse upon his knee
And said Missy Mouse, will you marry me?

Ok, I don't know about courting mice, but the frogs are out around the lake in force - sitting on the pathway, croaking (in more ways than one).

The next few weeks will be a test of how good our spotting-sitting-frogs-in-the-dark skills are.

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