The next generation on the compound
These two came for a visit today with their Mimi, my sister-in-law. We had a bit of a catch up as we both paid attention to catching busy Hunter. They love the paths and when their dad gets the new path done to their house the network will be complete. The "compound" is a bit of a joke. The famous Kennedy's of Massachusetts have a group of homes in Hyannis on Cape Cod and call their acreage the "Kennedy Compound". My mother followed suit.
The 70 year old magnolia is still blooming, you can see it in the distance next to the Cape that was my childhood home. My brother and I rented it after my mother's death in 2007, but eventually sold it. We wish the house could have stayed in the family, but it was not to be.
While she was here, Nora asked me in her sweet little voice, "Is my sheep dry yet?" She was referring to the oil painting of "Cream" that is in fact dry enough to hang, but not to varnish. I have to see if her mum wants to hang just the canvas or if she wants me to frame it. Nora also asked about Hunty's cow, "Wallace". That Highlander has a long way to go yet.
For the Record,
This day came in sunny and cooler.
All hands relieved.
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