
This always brings back memories. I went with a much younger ex colleague and another teacher friend to Barra on the Western Islands. We were on a cycling holiday and we had reasonable weather and a great time, cycling north on the islands until we got to Stornaway where we saw Van Morrison at the Hebcelt.

I was very fit at that time and was usually in the front especially going gung ho down the hills. (Not so confident now after a couple of years ago my bike went into a skid on slimy stuff and I came off and had concussion.) However there are a lot of hill sheep in the Western Isles and they often stray onto the side or sometimes the middle of the road. Apparently I would sail past at speed spooking the sheep and they would run into the path of my ex colleague, much to her annoyance. At the end of the holiday she presented me with this cute cow so I would remember as she said she couldn't find a sheep!

She phoned me this week to tell me she's going to have a baby which is wonderful news.

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