Blip Project Day 7 - 503 to 566

There's no prizes for guessing today's theme.

The caveman appeared around 230,000 years ago.

The first wheel was invented about 299,998 years ago and is most commonly attributed to a Mr B. Rubble. Mr Rubble found that cars of the time were extremely inefficient and caused a lot of wear and tear on the roads around that time. He set about trying to create a more road friendly and cheaper to run vehicle.

His first attempts centred around the engine but he found that no emerging technology of the time could really work much better than the commonly used 2 or 4 foot power method favoured by most manufacturers.

He then turned his attention to the wheels which traditionally had been square in shape. When he came up with the round wheel, he was mocked by his peers and contemporaries. "It'll never work!!!"

Mr Rubble revolutionised the automotive industry forever and the rest is, as they say, history........


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