Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Today is hatches and matches day.

Mr Mouse turned shhh 42 and we have now been married for 12 years.

That does also mean we have been without mum for 11 years.

The fish tank is getting there, only the starter kit was minus a thermometer and an air filter. They weren't missing from the box, they were never part of the kit but as it was sort of sold as a starter you would have thought the basics would have been covered. The pet shop I went into today had no thermometers at all.

Amazon to the rescue. It will arrive tomorrow along with an air filter, I was googling at 4 this morning as I remembered we used to have bubbles in the tank when I was growing up and they are important (well there are some that say they aren't but we'll yeah most agree they are).

I have decided to keep the expensive book. Seems it was about average price and has good reviews. To be fair the intro about setting up is very good. It's really jogging my memory. There was a bit about having a dedicated bucket and I was like oh yeah we used to have a fish bucket.

The bucket cost me £4. So far it's cost a small fortune. I knew it was going to be expensive, I kinda wish I had started buying and hiding things a while go so we could have spread it out at bit.

Oh well, he is excited. He asked about fish this morning and I said we still had to wait and needed to get a few more bits first. I am really trying to hold out for the week as the longer the better.

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