
By Veronica

The blipper's friend

Wilting tulips.  They've taken their time, S bought them nearly a fortnight ago and yesterday they were still standing more or less proud. Moving them to take photos dislodged about 50% of the petals. Alternative.

Yet more Saharan sand today, but the sun came out later. With my revitalised levain I made some pitta breads to go with the hummus, which were not entirely successful. My fault for rolling them too thin I think. And I've started a loaf using kamut flour, with only 1% of starter in it. It's a very slow process. I keep peeking and reminding myself it's got many hours to go yet.

I finished The Five, with thanks to ceridwen and freespiral. An excellent idea for a book, and the amount of research she must have done is mind-boggling. If anyone else wants to read it, drop me a line at the email address on my profile page -- I'm happy to post it.

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