
By TBay

The Fairy Door.

Little Miss decided that. She wanted to make a Fairy door so we found some card cut out a door and she then spent a very happy half hour decorating her door and deciding where to put it in the garden. She also decided that her Fairy was called Rose!

In order to make the door knob she has to select a suitable button from my old button tin. It is the same tin my mother had and many of the button are ones she has collected. This proved to be an unexpected source of delight for Little Miss who just loved the variety of the old buttons! Who says you need expensive toys!!

Today Miss Whiplash visited us. Need I say more than ouch!! However I was very much in need of her torture today as my back and shoulders have been so very bad of late. Hopefully I will improve now!

My pottery classes started again this evening and it was just such fun to go and do something normal again!

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