
Lots of seed sowing this morning. I have no idea where they will go if they come up but some had gone a bit mouldy. I can’t remember where I stored them now but it didn’t do them any good so I’m just going to sow and see. It’s been difficult to commit to doing anything in the garden because of house uncertainty but I decided that the seeds and the plants don’t give a stuff so I’ll just do it anyway. We could all be dead tomorrow.

The day was interspersed with chats with the neighbours (not those ones, the injunction is still in place and it has been blissfully quiet) and then a cycle onto the Fell and a bit of fossil hunting (extra). I’d looked at the Lake District car parks website this morning. They were mostly full or busy by 10 am. I barely saw anyone and the ground is wonderfully dry up there for cycling but it’s a fire risk now.

Ongoing apologies for not engaging much here ... trying to cut down on screen time after work and and just plain worn out.

That cheeky chap, Bernard, had me searching out a poem I’d forgotten about this morning...

The Meaning of Existence- Les Murray

Everything except language
knows the meaning of existence.
Trees, planets, rivers, time
know nothing else. They express it
moment by moment as the universe.

Even this fool of a body
lives it in part, and would
have full dignity within it
but for the ignorant freedom
of my talking mind.

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