Journal of Jackie

By Jackie18


Olivia and Lois visited. Olivia helped Rafi have a taster of some tangy sweets. The idea is that the taste of the sweet on his tongue starts a reaction in his mouth that encourages him to swallow. He didn't react much today, but he did open his mouth a little. We'll keep trying, as we now have loads of bags of different sweets but I've a feeling they might get eaten soon!
We had a temporary move to a side room yesterday as there was some confusion as to whether we had lost our room in the parents quarters (Treetops) there is room for us to sleep in the side room. Luckily we still have the room at Treetops and so we have already been moved back to bed bay 1 just as Colin had got all Rafi's stuff in position!
Kiera is not too well today with a cold and sore throat and so has decided not to visit Rafi so she doesn't spread her germs, Nina also stayed home today.Jodie has been at the hospital today and has just gone off to get the train to see Josh in Huddersfield.

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