It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Walk Home After Covid Jab

Had a wonderful nurse do my vaccine. She must have saw my pathetic worried face and she was so lovely. She kept me talking so I didn’t even notice when she’s done it.
Walked to a friends to have coffee in her garden.
Walked home had a 50min phone call/video call from a physio guy from Stratford.
He was very nice but i had to deal with having a video call cause he needed to see how I moved through a video call.

He basically said everything id done and how I’d gone about it was correct.
I think he was quite impressed. Made a follow up call for the 24th May after my holiday in case I get any flare ups and if I don’t then I can cancel it.

Felt good all day after jab and thought I’ve got away with this...
bang on 5pm I got a sudden onslaught of my previous covid symptoms
Severe back ache

I really couldn’t believe how sudden it came on.
So I suppose I’ll be bad over weekend then fell better for work on Monday! Story of my life.

Bed soon as I’m struggling big time.


It’s a minute to Midnight.....

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