Just grass

This photo shows what sheep do. The two fields below our house start out the same but, after just a few sheep have nibbled every single blade of grass or flower stalk that dares to show itself above the surface, the whole field is barren. The near field is largely left alone and will eventually become a buttercup meadow. 

As we commented on this this morning, Gordon spotted House Martins for the first time this year. He always likes to see them return and we love to watch them in an evening through the conservatory roof windows as they skim about feeding.

And over which field were they flying this morning? The near field of course. There wouldn't be much point trying to find insects anywhere near the far field - nothing growing, no insects. 

Just to let anyone know who is interested: the usual Words by the Water held in Keswick in March was of course cancelled this year and instead there has been put together a package of talks from previous years. They are released each day over this weekend, but I think they are available for a week or so. Worth having a look, they are free. I listened to Melvyn Bragg - at his best as he talks with great passion about the importance of the King James Bible. Words by the Water Replay 

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