Fun Friday

I kept Lincoln home today as he had speech therapy first thing.

I took the three of them in the bike trailer and cycled to town . I bought a metal card display holder of fb. I didn't realise how big it was and thankfully I had a hoodie in the back of the bike trailer so I tied it on and got it home .

All the Wildlings have had fun bouncing in the bouncy castle. Carson is so busy in the garden and needs to stop climbing up the two slides. He's crazy. And non stop.

I shall be making them a early dinner tonight as they all need bathed and their hair washed. Now that's a experience. My neighbours probably think a couple of the Wildlings are being murdered ;-)

It's been lovely and sunny here again today and so good to get out and about.

Tomorrow the boys and Mr R are getting their haircut. The first time in such a long time.

I do need to try and get Harp to a hairdresser but she struggles just getting her hair brushed so I try and trim her hair when I can or when she lets me which isn't very often. I shall try tonight.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. X

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