family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

A bit small

Back to work today even though after an hour or so in I feel like death ive got another cold, second one in less than two weeks (give me a break!!) managed to soldier on through the day and rush back to fetch my babies from my parents house.

Got there and Erin was in an old baby grow. Her nappy had leaked so mum changed her and she was also wearing pants and had done 3 successful toilet trips, well that was until I got there and she told me she needed a wee, but it was too late she'd already done it.
Now we had the dilemma of what clothes to put on her. Caleb had a change of clothes in there bag but it was a baby grow so no chance of that fitting her so I put his joggers, vest and t-shirt on her. She thought it was hilarious :)

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