Framing the Fort

By TheHairyCoo

Escher woz 'ere, MC!

...well, it's either that or the pain has made me delirious!

Once again, a blip from looking up- this time in Union Square shopping centre. I was really struck by the angles and lines, the light and dark. It's been processed a little (contrast up quite a bit, brightness down a smidge) and not much else.

Today was a "multi-candidate" blip day- I had a good shot of a local busking legend, "Guitar Wifie"...and had paid her a pound for the privilege! (She didn't ask, but if I'm photographing street "performers" I think it's only fare;-)

...but I just couldn't resist this one (and it's another Evans-Mog influenced blip;-)

Have a great weekend...I certainly intend to!

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