Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum


Yesterday I walked in a t-shirt. Today I was back in my winter coat and wearing gloves. A bitterly cold east wind again and thick clouds.
The cuckoo kept a low profile. I hope the temperatures haven't sent him on his way.

Later I met Carolyn in Torquay for another short walk by which time the sun had returned. 
Walking through Cockington,  we saw a Peregrin attacking a buzzard. 
No camera :-(

The pair of us then called into Nicky's for a socially distance cuppa in her garden. Out of the wind it was glorious.

By this evening I was still blipless so headed up to the fields again.
Just caught sight of a large hare when JD rang me. My ring tone is dogs barking! The hare soon disappeared !

Just before sunset I drove to Humber fields and climbed to the top of the ridge, always a great view whatever the weather.
A pair of kestrels were in residence in one of the beech trees again. I have seen them on most recent visits, so  think they have a nest there. 

As the sun sank below the horizon I suddenly saw him.
Grazing quite nonchalantly in the corn about 30 metres away. As I watched and took some  shots, he moved towards me. :-D)
Finally, passing just a few feet in front of me, he turned and sauntered down through one of the tractor tracks in the field.
One very cool wabbit  hare

The wider view in extras. 

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