
By Lenore

Taking the cat and dog for a walk

If he can, he will always come out for a walk, generally starting to get a but vocal when he thinks we have gone far enough, and sometimes stopping and waiting until we meet him again on the way back (bad luck for him if it's not a there and back walk...). The cat loves a walk. 

Full-on day. Husband off at 7am. I got the boys to school then drove the hour and a half to the 'old job for a photo shoot I'd arranged for them - I was persuaded to work half a day a week for them when I resigned. I resigned from that half day today, was a little bitter sweet, there were such high hopes when I took the original job. Good to draw a line under it. Saw some old colleagues, most are really lovely people.

Home, dog (and cat) walk, collected boys, home again. Boys played 'farms' in the garden whilst I spent over an hour watching someone from Microsoft in california try to fix my outlook - they succeeded. Parents evening for both boys. Husband home late. 

Today I'm grateful for
Drawing a line under the old job, it's time to move on and it was a bad move to have made. 
Getting home and getting out with the dog, whilst thinking about how I once would have been back in an office, looking out at the good weather
The school understanding both boys, especially the youngest who is a complex little character. And also for the kind words about both boys 

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