
By ayearinthelife

The Green Green Grass of Home

As I predicted four weeks ago, the combination of showers over Easter, followed by a couple of weeks of sunshine, has resulted in the lawn needing mowing. I did give it a light trim a couple of weeks ago but today was the first proper cut.
Well, I say cut. A more accurate description would be a levelling of the moss and weeds. Very little of the green matter on the lawn is actually grass but, if you level it all off and then squint, it can look quite good in the evening sunshine. Just don’t look too closely.
Thankfully, there is plenty of colour in the flower beds to take your eyes off the weeds in the lawn. Though I did note that the Lily of the Valley we thought we had eradicated from the far bed is slowly creeping back. Out with the trowel tomorrow, I think.
Other than that, a pretty quiet day. A workout at the gym after lunch compensated for a morning just slobbing around. Still waiting to hear if I’ve got a part in the proposed autumn play our society is hoping to put on in October. We had a Zoom read through last night, which actually went really well with only a few WiFi issues. The character I’d like to play is described as pompous, stuck up and self regarding, who believes he should be the star of every production. Some members of our society seem to think I’d be ideal in that role! However, we had more chaps reading than there were parts for men, so it’s down to the director to choose. Conversely, we did not have enough ladies reading for the female roles so I suppose I could always drag up if we can’t find anyone!
I’ve been giving my damaged tendon an easy time this week, but as this glorious weather is set to continue tomorrow, I may attempt a short walk to make the most of it.

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