First votes!

The boys cast their first votes today.

I’m a wee bit disappointed that it’s not in a polling station and they are popping them in a post box instead of a ballot box but a vote is a vote!

We all opted for postal ballots for this election because of COVID. More incase we were having to isolate on polling day and missed out that not wanting to go to a polling station.

Boy I’d hate to miss out on my vote.

I also cast my vote today as did Es...just waiting on MrR now and we can get them in the post box.

No idea how one of these lads voted he kept the ballot private...the other one wasn’t fussed about who saw.

They all knew how I would vote...both votes SNP for me. Nicola Sturgeon has led us through this last challenging year and I trust her to lead us to recovery and once we are through the pandemic to Independence. Scotland could do so much better as a small independent nation in Europe.

The youngest lad is not chuffed, at all, that he is the only one who doesn’t have a vote.

Grateful that we get to participate in democracy and cast our ballots.

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