
By fennerpearson

Towards Barbon

Hellishly busy at the moment. In business, people talk about "bad busy" where one is running around doing lots of things that aren't taking the business forward, or "good busy" where what you're doing is of direct benefit to the business.

Mine is all of the good variety but that doesn't mean I'm not going a bit barmy staying on top of everything. And that's despite making a list!

So, this morning I met my colleague, Steve, at 8am for a meeting and then I came back home to work on a load of documentation. On the way back from Kendal, I stopped in Old Town to take this.

That's it! Back to work!

PS I'm really sorry I haven't had time to comment on everyone else's photos. I have been looking at them but I miss the Tumblr facility where you could view everything in a timeline and <3 the photos you liked.

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