See it, Snap it, Share it

By pplnani

Fresh And Juicy

........ the photo group monthly competition this time is ‘ Food As Art ‘ and it has really given me the runaround. I now remember why I don’t take pictures of food ........ because I can never get it right. I struggled for ideas because it was necessary to make the food look ‘arty’ and not just a photo of a plate of something delicious looking.

I’ve tried taking photos of oranges, lemon, kiwis, tomatoes, bananas and chillis .......... and I still couldn’t get anything I was happy with ;-/

It has to be submitted tomorrow so this was a last ditch attempt.......... I’m not thrilled with it but it’s probably the best I’m going to manage ......... I would very much welcome any constructive criticism, if anyone wants to offer any, as I’ve just looked at it for too long now and all I can see are faults. .......... is it arty enough?

I think I’ll stick to nature photos in future, they’re so much easier ......... but not quite as tasty ;-))

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