
We had our short & sweet team meeting this morning...and then I needed to make a batch of beeswax moisturiser. Whilst doing the creams there was plenty of hilarity with the cousins, it's the eldest's birthday today so we 3 others enjoyed sending him surprise breakfast and lunch. Much fun and banter in our WhatsApp group! I've added into extras my favourite photo of the 4 of us when we were little and cute. The birthday boy is the dark haired one, Piers. 
Post school we had a rapid Caña Club, well, rapid for me as I had to go take photos of this beautiful girl, Camila. She's Asha's best friend and her folks asked for pictures of her in her First Communion dress. We've used this image and added the details of the service and celebration dinner to the right of her. It looks really lovely! The order is already at the print shop. Her mom and I had a drink together - good to talk...she has some big life things going on. 
Out later with Asha and we saw a friend with a new bike, he cheerily told us he'd stolen it!!! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Piers and Lozz and growing up with them, like wannabe brothers to us really...
2) Finding old photos whilst looking for something with Piers! Added another extra of amandoAlentejo reading to me when I must have been about 3 years old. I just love love love these old pics.
3) Team time this morning - short and simple, but great to start the day together.

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