Happy 4th gottcha day Winnie x
4 years ago today I set off with Lucy and my mum to South Wales to the rescue centre Many Tears ... I had applied for Winnie .. she was anything from 3-5 years old .. she was absolutely terrified . Winnie had been kept in a breeding box and churned out litters of puppies .. they are then sold on sites like Preloved or gum tree ... the puppies are put with a clean looking spaniel and we are all duped into thinking that it’s the mum and it’s a lovely family home . It is estimated that around 70% of us are taken in by this. We were duped when we saw Sadie pup . Now I look back
and know the signs it is obvious. I feel disgusted about it . Most people don’t care , they just want the puppy and that’s that . I do care though and if I can educate just one more person then that’s better than nothing at all isn’t it xxxxxxxx
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